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Turkey Inheritance Taxes

When it comes to managing your assets and wealth, understanding the tax implications of inheritance is crucial. In Turkey, as in many other countries, there is an inheritance tax that applies to the transfer of assets from one generation to the next. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of Turkey’s inheritance tax, including the process, rates, exemptions, and documentation required.

Understanding Inheritance Tax

What is Inheritance Tax?

Inheritance tax, often referred to as estate tax or death duty, is a tax imposed on the assets and properties inherited by beneficiaries upon the death of the original owner. In Turkey, this tax is regulated by the Inheritance and Gift Tax Law.

Who Pays Inheritance Tax?

In Turkey, both residents and non-residents are subject to inheritance tax if the inherited assets are located within the country.

Inheritance Tax Rates

The inheritance tax rates in Turkey are progressive and vary based on the relationship between the deceased and the beneficiary. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, here are the general rates:

Spouse and Children: Exempt up to a specific threshold, and then progressive rates starting from 1% to 10%.

Parents: Exempt up to a certain threshold, with progressive rates ranging from 1% to 30%.

Siblings and Other Relatives: Progressive rates ranging from 10% to 30%.

Others: Progressive rates from 15% to 40%.

Please note that tax rates and thresholds may change over time, so it’s essential to consult with local authorities or a tax professional for the most up-to-date information.

Step-by-Step Guide to Inheritance Tax

  1. Determine the Taxable Estate

The first step is to determine the total value of the estate, including properties, bank accounts, investments, and other assets. Certain deductions and exemptions may apply based on the relationship between the deceased and the beneficiary.

  1. Calculate the Tax Liability

Once the taxable estate is determined, you can calculate the inheritance tax liability using the progressive rates mentioned earlier.

  1. Complete the Inheritance Tax Declaration

Prepare an inheritance tax declaration (Beyanname) and submit it to the local tax office within three months from the date of death.

  1. Pay the Tax

After the tax office assesses your declaration, you will receive a tax assessment notice indicating the amount of tax owed. This amount should be paid within one month.

Exemptions and Deductions

Turkey offers various exemptions and deductions to reduce the tax burden on beneficiaries. Some common exemptions include:

Primary residence: The primary residence of the deceased is often exempt from inheritance tax.

Life insurance: Proceeds from life insurance policies are typically tax-exempt.

Small inheritances: Small inheritances below a certain threshold may be exempt from taxation.

Required Documentation

To complete the inheritance tax process, you will need specific documents, including:

Death certificate: A certified copy of the deceased’s death certificate.

Inheritance certificate: Obtained from a notary public, this document lists the heirs and their respective shares.

Title deeds: Copies of property title deeds.

Bank statements: Statements showing account balances.

Valuation reports: For properties and assets.


Navigating inheritance tax in Turkey can be complex, but understanding the process, rates, exemptions, and necessary documentation is essential. Seek guidance from tax professionals or legal experts to ensure compliance with the current tax laws and regulations. Proper planning can help minimize the tax impact on your beneficiaries and preserve your legacy.

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