property hub turkey


Don’t fret if it’s not possible for you to make an inspection visit to buy house in Turkey. During the pandemic year, we saw an increased interest in buying property in Turkey because of low real estate prices. This was a great offer for buyers to make property investments with lucrative returns in near future. With borders closed, our clients couldn’t make inspection visits, so we moved the whole process online whilst offering the same level of transparency and face-to-face service.

Thanks to technology, many of our foreign clients could make property investment in Turkey successfully when international travel wasn’t allowed. This was made possible through online meetings with clients, taking them on 360 degrees virtual tours of Istanbul, showing them the shortlisted properties and finalizing the deal by signing a contract. Over time, virtual tours to buy property has come to become one of the most sought-after services we offer because of the ease and transparency we strive to provide for our clients.

Take a Virtual Tour With Us and Buy Your Dream House in Turkey

We assist our clients in each step to make acquiring a property in Turkey remotely a hassle-free process. Let us take you through the process of buying property remotely with us.

1. Get in Touch With Our Client Advisors

Our client advisors are here to help you out with your initial questions and queries regarding property investment in Turkey and they are just a phone call away. Whether you are a lifestyle buyer looking for a dream house or an investor wanting to know about the current market trends, our client advisors are well-versed and well-trained in all things pertaining property in turkey. Virtual tours are tailor made based on your requirements and needs. So, get in touch, ask your questions and let us help you make your best property investment.

2. Meet Your Investment Consultant

After your initial conversation with our client advisor, an investment consultant is assigned to you based on your chosen area/areas to buy property in. For instance, if you’re to buy apartment in Istanbul, our Istanbul consultant will get on board with you to show you around the city as well as the prospective properties. An investment consultant from a particular area is someone with extensive and intimate knowledge of that area ranging from real estate to local economy. Let your consultant know about your demands and together you will shortlist properties that matches your interests and style the best.

3. Go on a 360-Degrees Virtual Tour With Your Consultant

It’s time to show you around! Once we’ve understood your needs and have shortlisted properties based on your requirements, your consultant will take you out on a 360-degree tour. With a camera mounted and your consultant in the driving seat, you are ready to see the area with your own eyes. Your guide for the day will show you different neighbourhoods, explain which areas potential goldmines and which areas are to avoid all the while showing you many landmarks on the way. You’ll reach your shortlisted properties after going through the city and your consultant will carefully guide you through the pros and cons of every property. Fe­­­el free to ask them questions and make your own notes as you move forward.

4. Finalize The Property and Sign the Contract

Once you’ve viewed the properties and houses for sale in Turkey, it’s time to work out the nuts and bolts with your consultant. Your consultant will answer any questions you’ve and then work out a payment plan after negotiating and finalizing the price with the developer or the seller in case of a second-hand property. You’ll sign the sales contract and pay the reservation deposit to freeze the price of your chosen property at this point. With fluctuating market, we recommend all our clients to pay the initial deposit to hold the property even if they are 80% sure. With most of the developers offering refundable deposit fee, it’s in the buyer’s interest to pay the deposit fee which is usually 1-3% of the total price. Not all developers offer the refundable option so, it’s recommended to confirm with your consultant.

5. Final Paperwork

Once the reservation fee is paid, you’ve almost become the owner of the property, but the paperwork remains. This is where our expertise as a team of immigration lawyers working in this field for many years comes in. We do all the paperwork from signing the purchase agreement to getting the title deed (TAPU) after you’ve granted us the power of attorney. For a credible solicitor, this is usual business and a fairly easy process comprising a couple of weeks to conclude the deal on your behalf.

For Further Information Contact Us.

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