property hub turkey

Turkey has recently become a dream destination for foreigners around the world. With its rich history, spectacular climate and growing economy, many are ready to call Turkey their second home. We believe Turkey to be a golden opportunity whether you plan to retire, relocate or simply want to make a property investment with good capital gains. Many foreigners are applying for Turkish citizenship by investing in property here since the government announced the Golden visa policy. Endless avenues have opened up in last one decade for making property investment in Turkey.

If you are interested to invest in Turkey real estate or buy apartment in Istanbul but are unsure where to start from and wondering what it like is to be living here, we have got you covered.

Turkey Real Estate Tours

Turkey has recently become a dream destination for foreigners around the world. With its rich history, spectacular climate and growing economy, many are ready to call Turkey their second home. We believe Turkey to be a golden opportunity whether you plan to retire, relocate or simply want to make a property investment with good capital gains. Many foreigners are applying for Turkish citizenship by investing in property here since the government announced the Golden visa policy. Endless avenues have opened up in last one decade for making property investment in Turkey.

If you are interested to invest in Turkey real estate or buy apartment in Istanbul but are unsure where to start from and wondering what it like is to be living here, we have got you covered.

At Property Hub, we understand how daunting it may feel when considering buying property in Turkey as a foreigner. A lot of factors need to be looked at especially if you plan to relocate with your family. You would naturally want to know about the climate, culture and the people and for that it’s best to make a visit. For clients who want to experience Turkey, we offer Turkey real estate tours which are designed to help you make up your mind and choose the best for yourself.

Whether you want to make your best property investment in Turkey or find your dream house at the sun-kissed coast of Bodrum, it starts with a well-organized inspection tour. During our real estate tours, you get to view and see for yourself the apartments and their locations and the neighbourhood they are in but that’s not all. Our immersive trips take you on a journey through Turkey and offer a chance to experience the culture and tradition first-hand. With a local guide who’s well-versed in real estate and knows about the market trends as well as the major attractions and the Turkish history, you’re set to make the best out of your trip to Turkey with us.

At Property Hub, we prioritize your safety, comfort and needs above all. We are there for you in case you need any assistance during your stay. With Turkey Real Estate Tours, you can expect:

  • Discounted hotel stays and deals to our clients so you can enjoy great luxury at affordable prices.
  • All the necessary travel arrangements for you including airport transfers to and from the hotel, car rentals and taxi services.
  • A local real-estate agent who is onboard to help you guide through the property market as you travel around. This includes showing you prospective neighbourhood’s and giving you an overview of the current market.
  • 24/7 assistance throughout your stay in Turkey
  • Recommendations for best restaurants in the city, souvenir shops and more

    Our real estate tours usually last for 3-5 days but if you wish to go for a longer tour to experience Turkey fully, we do offer custom made tours based on your requirements and budget. Get in touch with us to design your Turkey inspection trip with us.

For Further Information Contact Us.

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