property hub turkey

Buying a Property in Turkey as a Foreigner – A Step By Step Guide

With the relaxing of laws for foreign nationals interested in making property investment in Turkey, the real estate market is growing exponentially. In the recent past, the real estate market has gained global prominence and has attracted many foreign investors. Turkey is also a desirable destination for many foreigners who aspire to settle in this peaceful and culturally rich country. Buying property in Turkey could be a golden opportunity whether you plan to invest, relocate or retire. Getting Turkish passport by buying a Turkey property is also an attractive offer by the government made in the recent past. Whatever is your reason to invest in Turkey, it may feel intimidating to buy property overseas but that’s usually until you’re familiar with the process. Getting to know the process helps you make the best decisions. To help you buy property in Turkey smoothly and safely, we are going to break down the process in steps:

1- Do Your Own Research

Whether you’re looking forward to making an investment or want to buy house in Turkey, doing your own research is imperative. Start with a few credible websites to get an idea on the pricing and the current market trends. You can do preliminary research at this point, compare prices offered in different areas and shortlist regions based on your needs, lifestyle and budget. Doing your own research gives you an insight into the real estate market of Turkey and familiarize you with the process of buying as a foreigner.

2- Find An Agent in Turkey and Build a Rapport

Finding the right agent is the most crucial step of the property purchase process. The right agent is the one who understands your needs and is credible, too. You can find many property agents online. Make sure to check testimonials and see how long they’ve been in the market. Talk to a few agents on call at length and share your preferences. A good agent will listen to you and will only offer what resonates with your requirements and that’s exactly what our agents at Property Hub are trained for.

3- Visit Turkey and Go on a Real Estate Tour

Once you’ve done your research, it is time to plan your visit to Turkey to view the shortlisted properties with agents. At property Hub, we take our clients on the viewing tours to show them the properties they are interested in. Clients get to meet the developers themselves and get a quote directly unlike many other real estate agents who try to sell the property at a higher price without taking you to the sales office.  We also offer real estate tours to clients who wish to come for a longer time or want to come with their families to experience Turkey and find their dream home.

4- Reserve Your Property

After viewing the shortlisted properties, if you’ve made up your mind about a certain property, we recommend you make the reservation deposit, so the purchase is legally binding, and the price is locked. This deposit is usually 1-2% of the total price. Since prices fluctuate, it is ideal to pay the deposit even if you’re 80% sure about the purchase. Moreover, some developers do offer refundable deposit option to the potential buyers. Some don’t so make sure you confirm this from your agent.

5- Hire A Solicitor in Turkey

Whether you are buying property in Turkey for residency or investment, the best way to ensure it goes safely and smoothly is to hire a qualified and trusted lawyer. You can give power of attorney to your hired solicitor to make the deal and do all the paperwork on your behalf. Hiring a solicitor saves time as you don’t have to stay in Turkey while the process is still taking some time to complete.

6- Final Check and Receiving TAPU

We are living in digital age. To keep up we develop new systems and use technology to make the process of purchasing property even smoother and quicker. We are a Proptech company. Proptech is basically property and technology put together. It involves digital real estate marketing and purchasing, smart homes, future cities, and construction technologies.

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