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How Property Hub Makes Agriculture Land Managment Easier for Foreign Investors?

Agriculture land management is the key to make any farmland investment successful and profitable in long run. At Property Hub, we fully understand how meticulous the process is from selecting the right product for your land, to cultivating, maintaining and harvesting it. Then comes the most crucial task of fruit handling and selling it in domestic or international market.

Property Hub offers a unique ‘sapling to market’ agriculture investment opportunity to its clients. As the name suggests, everything from growing saplings to selling the produce in the market is taken care of when you buy an agriculture land. This is made possible through our successful partnership with Türkiye’s leading agriculture land management company. We are here to help our clients make farmland investment in Türkiye that is hassle-free, secure and efficient.

In recent years, there has been growing interest of foreign investors to buy farmland in Türkiye for reasons like a great income source that’s protected against inflation, is less volatile when compared to commodities like gold and crypto and offers high profitability. We offer our clients a fantastic opportunity to make agriculture investment in highly demanded investment products such as almonds, olives, pistachio and walnut orchards.

Sapling to Market Agriculture Management Services

Our partner company is one of the most sought-after land management companies in Türkiye. With their years of experience and ancestral knowledge, we offer full management, from sapling to market, to ensure high returns on your valuable agriculture investment.

Selecting the right product for the right land is the beginning of the success in agriculture sector and this is why we’ve devised a unique sapling to market approach which encompasses following aspects:

  • Orchard Design

Expert agriculture engineers are employed to plan and prepare your orchard. This include choosing the right variety of fruit for the land, soil preparation, setting up the water and electricity sources.

  • Planting the saplings

Once the planning phase is done and the orchard is designed, we are ready to plant the saplings. Plant pathologists ensure the quality of each sapling before it is planted. Planting fruit saplings in the right season and at the right distance is necessary to make sure they grow up to be healthy trees. The whole process is taken care of by our agriculture management partner company.

  • Regular Orchard Care

Saplings are to be provided with regular maintenance and care if they are to grow up to be fruitful. Regular orchard care includes important tasks like disease and pest control, irrigation, pruning of the plants and fertilizing at the right time.

  • Grown Trees

Fruit trees fully mature and start producing harvest in 3-5 years depending on which fruit it is. For instance, almond orchards start producing their first yield is 3rd year while pistachios mature in 4th year. Until a plant matures, regular care and management services are offered by us at no extra fee.

  • Harvest

Harvest season is the most awaited time of the year. With the fruits of labour ready, the importance task of harvest begins for which we have both manual and mechanized systems in place depending on which fruit it is. Time is of essence when it comes to agriculture. We pick up the fruits at the right time to make sure they are at their best taste and quality.

  • Fruit Handling

For shell fruits like almonds and pistachios, post-harvest tasks include hulling and drying. Fruit handling also includes the packaging of the product which is now ready to go to the market.

  • Farm to market

Lastly, the packaged product is sold for the best price available. We sell the products both in the domestic and the international market. From marketing to shipping, we do everything and transfer the proceeds to your account.

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